Event marketing
Eventproject in Sweden Ltd is not a niche business but spans experiences from widely different fields. Common to the productions in eventrelated activities is the systematic marketing through analysis of known and latent needs. It shows anything but static functions, now we are talking about dynamic approaches through the constant development of new services and products in new markets. In this way, we increase the odds of covering the needs and wishes of the market.
Of course, you want answers to important questions before you put a product or idea on the market!
– do you see the market potential?
– is the climate for opinion formation?
– does the competition look like?
– well we know our buyers, potential as well as existing and what do we know about their buying habits and consumption patterns?
– does the organizational culture look like?
The work with the launch is an exciting but often heavy and costly device. Although everyone involved is convinced that the product/service will be successful, it is a fact that 6-7 out of ten launches do not reach the goal, at least not within the time allotted to the project.
The world around us is changing faster and faster. This requires more information. Information as a basis for marketing decisions, information as a basis for the company’s overall development and information for finding new ways of opinion.
The company must meet the needs of its interest groups, which mainly applies to customers, suppliers and employees. Now, however, there are additional areas where companies need to be aware and competitive. The opinion market, the financial market, the labor market, etc. Through close collaboration with universities and colleges, surveys with requirements for scientific data are met.
You can believe in many places and that you believe in your products/services is excellent. Knowing, having access to qualified information, naturally increases the odds of a successful bet. Eventproject in Sweden Ltd is the result of a number of companies’ long experience of information for marketing decisions and opinion formation. What is the market situation like now? Is there a satisfactory knowledge of your new position in the field? What was the reason why your current target group knew everything about the competitors’ offer, but nothing at all about you? Why did the autumn campaign work so unusually well and what lessons can we learn from those experiences? Take the market by storm, argue the arguments with someone from Eventproject in Sweden Ltd and we can probably find a suitable development path.
Hit a ping or send a comment and someone will get in touch for a comprehensive survey if we can be a sensible support for your investments.
Contact: info@eventprojekt.se
Phone +46 706 90 70 80